

Make IVF treatment stress-free by following these steps.

Many IVF doctors love making a song and dance about how complex IVF treatment is because this allows them to charge patients more money! They unnecessarily overcomplicate it, and this just ends up making the patient’s life a lot more difficult. Part of the reason they......

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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - is LIT Therapy the only solution?

Recurrent pregnancy loss ( RPL or recurrent abortion or habitual abortion) is one of the most perplexing problems for infertility specialists today, A woman is said to have RPL if she has had 2 or more failed clinical pregnancies. These patients are understandably des......

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Confused about IVF? Let our chatbot simplify things for you, one question at a time

IVF treatment can be extremely stressful, and one of the reasons for this is that there are so many myths and misconceptions surrounding IVF treatment. Not only are there tons of old wives’ tales, but many patients who have gone through IVF cycles also have a lot of h......

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Everything you need to know about Freezing and Thawing of Embryos.

Saiprasad Gundeti, Chief Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd. Embryo Freezing (Vitrification) In IVF treatment, Spare embryos are frozen for Future Cycles after transferring the best embryos. The embryos are Frozen using a slow Freezing technique or Vit......

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Why do doctors blame patients when the IVF cycle fails?

Every patient does an IVF cycle with the hope that it's going to be their first and their last. They know that it is the one treatment that maximizes their chances of getting pregnant, and because it is expensive and can be quite stressful, they hope that they are goi......

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Missed periods and the infertile woman

Missing a period can be very difficult for infertile women ! Every time you miss a period, you hope ( against hope) that maybe you are finally pregnant! However, you are worried about getting your hopes up too high, because you are scared that they will come dashing dow......

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What is the right age for doing IVF?

This is a fairly common question IVF doctors are asked, and every woman knows that the older she gets, the lesser her chances of getting pregnant with IVF. This is why many believe that it’s better to do IVF when you are young, rather than wait until you become too ol......

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Why we don't advise patients to do more than 3 are IUI cycles?

IUI ( intrauterine insemination) is a much simpler treatment option than IVF, and much less expensive as well. It’s a good choice for younger couples with unexplained infertility because it increases the chances of the eggs and sperm meeting. However, one problem is t......

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Expert Guide: How to Choose an IVF Doctor you Can Trust for your Fertility Journey

All IVF patients want a baby, and they know that in order to get a baby, they need to find the right IVF clinic, which is why they invest a lot of time and energy in finding the best clinic. They need someone who is affordable, available, and accessible , but the pro......

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Using Embryo Glue for Embryo Transfer improves Pregnancy rates.

Saiprasad Gundeti, Chief Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic. One of the most important steps in the reproductive process is embryo implantation. Successful implantation requires a competent blastocyst, receptive endometrium, and effective communication between th......

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