One of the common findings in a semen analysis report is the presence of a few pus cells per high power field ( pus cells/ hpf). The technical word for this is called pyospermia or leucocytospermia. Pus cells are WBCs - white blood cells, and less than 5 pus cells /......
Many patients who fail an IVF cycle, want the doctor to tell them exactly why the cycle failed. They want the doctor to get at the root cause , and this is completely logical. After all, once the root cause has been identified, the doctor will be able to fix the pro......
One of the hardest things about infertility treatment is making the right decisions. Indian patients expect their doctors to make medical decisions for them . After all , doctors are medical experts , and thats what they charge their professional fees for to give......
The Malpani Baby Making kit is an extremely cost-effective option for couples who can't get pregnant because of sexual dysfunction; because of unexplained infertility; and those who have problems with scheduling intercourse during the fertile time because of th......
Many infertile couples automatically assume that if they can't get pregnant on their own, they're going to require medical attention , and seek out a gynecologist for assistance. While this is true for many couples, there are also lots of others who can solve the pr......
While it's reassuring to remember that in case your infertility is due to a medical problem, you can always go to a doctor to seek medical help , the fact still remains that going to a doctor is an expensive exercise. You need to pay the consultation fees; you need......
One of the problems of being infertile because oferectile dysfunction ( impotence)is that these men cant stop thinking of themselves as failures . They can't even do such a simple thing like making a baby in their bedroom - something which millions of men have been......
One of the problems of being infertile because of vaginismus is that women cant stop thinking of themselves as failures . They can't even do such a simple thing like making a baby in their bedroom - something which millions of women have been doing since time immemo......
When you are using the Malpani Baby Kit for doing your self-insemination, it's very helpful to know what your peak fertile days are , so you can do the inseminations on those days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant quickly.You can use the FreeMalpani Clini......
Use the Malpani Clinic Online Fertility Calculator to determine your peak fertility dates. You can choose to get the fertile days for the next 3 months to over the next 1 year. This is helpful for couples who want to time "baby-making sex". Once you have......