

Why the IVF hormones don't cause cancer or early menopause !

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Why IVF is the best treatment option for couples with unexplained infertility

Unexplained infertility ( also known as idiopathic infertility) is a diagnosis we label about 10% of infertile couples with. This just means that our technology is not good enough for us to be able to identify why they are not being able to get pregnant in their o......

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Why are IVF patients scared of finding out more about IVF ?

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Empiric therapy in IVF

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Embryo pooling for older women


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From egg to blastocyst - a peek in the IVF lab

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Unexplained infertility - IVF as the ultimate diagnostic tool for infertile couples

IVF as great as a treatment option for infertile couples, because it is the final common pathway for bypassing all kinds of infertility. However, please also remember that it's a great diagnostic tool as well , because it provides us information which no oth......

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Why embryo pooling is a great option for older women who are doing IVF

We know that as women get older, their egg quality drops , as a result of which it becomes harder for us to retrieve eggs. Both quantity and quality are affected, and many of these eggs don't become embryos ; and often the embryo quality is poor as well. For......

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Is your IVF doctor using you as a guinea pig ?

  All of us believe that as medicine advances, IVF pregnancy rates will constantly keep on improving, and this is perfectly normal. After all, science does progress , and IVF pregnancy rates today are much better than what they were 10 years ago.   Unfortunat......

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Why it's safe to take medications after your embryo transfer

  A lot of IVF patients are very worried about taking any medication at all during the 2ww( two week wait).   For example, if they get a cough or a cold or a diarrhea, they're not sure whether it's safe to take medicines to treat this.   The reason is the......

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