
FREE Infertility Tools

Malpani infertility clinic provides free infertility tools like free infertility record, free fertility calculator, free ivf calender,free online book on pregnancy and free fertility tickers and videos.

Here are some of the FREE Tools offered by Dr Malpani :

1. Free Fertility Calculator :

Use our free online fertility calculator to determine your peak fertility dates for the coming year. This can be especially helpful for couples who need to time for "baby-making sex".

This calculator is based on the fact that:

  1. Ovulation occurs 14 days before the next menstrual period is due; and that
  2. Fertility peaks on the day of ovulation, and for 4 days prior to this.

Click here for Free Fertility Calculator

2. Free IVF Calendar

We use a simplified protocol for superovulation, which minimises your cost; number of injections ; and stress levels (since we do not measure blood levels of hormones ); and ensures a high pregnancy rate.

Click here for our Free IVF Calendar

3. Free Online Book on Pregnancy

In keeping with our philosophy that patients should become experts on their medical problems, the full-text of our book, How to Have a Baby -- Overcoming Infertility is now available free on the internet.

This 400 page book is designed to empower infertile couples with the information they need, to help them to get the best medical care, in partnership with their doctor.

4. Free Second Opinion from Dr Malpani :

Dr Malpani would be happy to provide a second opinion on your problem. This is a free service I provide as a labour of love (I believe in karma, and feel that by helping you, I am helping myself!)

5. Preggers - Conception Planning Software

This brilliant piece of software comes from Xequte, Inc. 5 stars - and it's free !

Preggers v1.01

Conception Planning Software
For Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Preggers is a tool to calculate the optimal dates to conceive in order to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.
Usage and distribution is totally free.

Download >>

6. Free Fertility Ticker:

You can track your menstrual cycle day as well your ovulation day and days past ovulation count using this free fertility ticker from

Click here to Get the Free Fertility Ticker

7. Free Infertility Videos :

You can watch a library of videos on infertility and IVF - this is a much more fun way of learning about infertility!

Click here to watch the infertility and IVF videos

8. How to interpret your infertility lab tests?

This will help you to make sense of your medical test reports

9. How to find the best IVF doctor?

This guide will help you to select the doctor who is best for you

10. How to inject your fertility medications?

This illustrated guide will help you to take your own shots.

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.