

How IF patients can reduce their anxiety and fears about IVF

An IVF cycle can be difficult to go through because of all the fear and anxiety which every IVF patient has. The biggest worry is the unpredictability of the outcome - will the cycle will work or not ? They are also burdened with many myths and misconcept......

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Analysing a failed IVF cycle

A failed IVF cycle can be heartbreaking, but the important thing is to analyze what went right and what didn't go right , so that we can plan better for the future. Now there are only three tangible variables we can dissect. One is the thickness and text......

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The emotional baggage which IVF patients carry

Infertile couples usually suffer from low self esteem , because they can't even do something as simple as making a baby in their bedroom - a simple natural biological process which millions of women can do without any effort whatsoever , and have been doing fl......

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Can you trust your IVF doctor?

Trust is an integral part of a doctor patient relationship, and it helps to improve your chances of IVF success ! If you respect and trust your doctor , and he respects and trusts you, you will be able to work together to achieve your goal. The trouble is th......

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The IVF patient's fears

One of the biggest fears which IVF patients have when they go to an IVF clinic is that the doctor will advise them to do IVF , whether they actually need it or not ! This is a valid concern , because IVF is a much more expensive treatment than the alternativ......

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The problem with bad IVF clinics.

In an ideal world, all IVF clinics would be equally good. They would have high quality control standards; they would be open and transparent; and would share information proactively and routinely with all their patients . This way, whether or not patients go......

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IVF video on interpreting your HCG Levels !

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IVF video on how to find out why your IVF cycle failed

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Why don't all IVF clinics routinely give embryo photos to their patients?

Good IVF clinics routinely and proactively provide all their patients with photos of their embryos. Not only does it document that they have provided high quality care, it also allows the patient to bond with their yet-to-be-born baby ! This is standard pr......

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IVF as a game of chance

IVF patients know that the outcome of an individual IVF cycle is completely unpredictable; and that their chances of getting pregnant increase , the more the number of cycles they do, because the cumulative conception rate progressively goes up. But it's st......

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