

Egg Plus Sperm = Baby - The reproductive equation

When a woman gets pregnant in her bedroom, the reproductive equation is very simple. She ovulates a single egg from a mature follicle in her ovary , which gets fertilized by a single sperm, which forms a single embryo, which then becomes a baby. So the e......

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आय.व्ही.एफ. प्रक्रियेच्या 7 सोप्या चरण. IVF Video Marathi

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Using K Y jelly reduces your fertility ! IVF video

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Ovarian cyst vs follicle

Lots of patients are unsure about the difference between an ovarian cyst and a follicle. The reality is that as far as an ultrasound scan is concerned, they both look exactly the same - they both appear like black bubbles. The only differentiation is bas......

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The effect of an IVF cycle on the husband.

Whenever we talk about IVF cycles, our focus is usually on the woman. This is understandable , because she's the one who has to take the injections, go for the scans, undergo the egg collection and embryo transfer process, and live through the 2 week wait. And......

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The grieving process after a failed IVF cycle

IVF failure causes a lot of heartbreak, and part of the problem is patients don't process the grief efficiently. This makes a bad problem even worse ! Some pretend that it's not a big deal, and that they are coping well. They believe they will be able to bou......

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IVF Video - How to improve your odds of IVF success

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IVF video - Why all IVF clinics should routinely give embryo photos to their patients

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IVF patients carry a lot of emotional baggage

They already suffer from low self esteem , because they can't even do something as simple as making a baby in the bedroom - a biological process which millions of women can do without any effort whatsoever , and have been doing successfully without any help fo......

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IVF video - The IVF patient's fears!

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