

When does the embryo implant after the embryo transfer ?

There's still a lot of mystery around the IVF process, partly because most people weren't paying too much attention in the human reproductive biology class in the 10th grade ! A common question I'm asked is - how long after embryo transfer does implantation......

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IVF video - Analysing a failed IVF cycle

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Does IVF increase the risk of miscarriages ?

Lots of people are worried that IVF treatment will increase the risk of miscarriage. After all, you're fiddling around with eggs, sperms, and embryos in the laboratory, and isn't this artificial? And won't this increase the chance of the embryo being rejected?......

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IVF video - The emotional baggage which IVF patients carry

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The problem with IVF doctor referral sites

One of the biggest quandaries a patient faces is how to find the right IVF doctor. Can you trust this doctor? Is he good? Is he competent? Will he treat you well ? This is why doctor referral sites have become extremely popular, and the market leader is......

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After failed IVF, can I get pregnant naturally?

Patients do IVF with a lot of hope, because they know this is the one method which maximizes their chances of getting pregnant. They pin all their hopes on the IVF cycle, but when the IVF cycle fails, they are completely heartbroken , and worry about whether t......

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Reducing your IVF risks

Every IVF cycle involves an element of uncertainty in the sense that the outcome cannot be predicted and you can never be sure whether you'll get pregnant in your first cycle or whether you will get pregnant in your fourth. And which is why patients aren't su......

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What happens after the embryo transfer ?

The two week wait ( 2ww) after an embryo transfer can be an extremely stressful time, because in one sense you're partially pregnant. This might seem to make no logical sense, but because you know the doctor has transferred an embryo in your uterus, in one......

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Self-inflicted infertility

This might seem like a surprising diagnosis, but often the cause for the infertility is ignorance. Interestingly, this is true , no matter how sophisticated or educated the infertile couple is. Many of them don't understand basic reproductive biology , an......

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Can you trust your IVF doctor? IVF video

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