

No privacy in your IVF clinic ?

IVF can be a very personal touchy, sensitive issue. When you go to an IVF clinic, you expect your doctor to respect your privacy and talk to you one-on-one, because you want to share things which you're not comfortable sharing with other people. Unfortunatel......

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Which kind of IVF patients are we the best doctors for?

A single IVF clinic cannot possibly be right for all IVF patients . This means patients need to make a trade-off when selecting an IVF clinic ! Should they go to the cheapest ? the nearest ? the most well known one ? the one who advertises the most ? the one......

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Making sense of IVF treatment

One of the problems with IVF treatment is that patients still don't understand what the process involves. Not only doctors love complexifying the process ( so they can charge more for it !), there are so many myths and misconceptions floating around - both onl......

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What will my donor egg IVF baby look like?

One of the biggest concerns which patients who do donor egg IVF have is - What will my baby look like? They have to take a major leap of faith, because they don't get a chance to see what the donor looks like. They major worry is - Will my baby resemble......

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When doctors cause infertility !

The biggest tragedy in reproductive medicine is when patients are made infertile as a result of the doctor's treatment ! This hurts , because when you go to a doctor , you want him to help you to have a baby . However, when instead of doing so , he actually makes......

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Iatrogenic infertility

Being infertile is bad enough, but when the infertility is caused by an infertility specialist, this makes it much worse ! Sadly, we continue to see lots of patients, whose fertility has been damaged because of poor quality treatment. Here is an example ( names......

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Simplifying IVF !

I have found that patients are intimidated by the concept of IVF, and think of it as being a very complex treatment. This is also partly because doctors love adding a lot of medical jargon such as ICSI, PGT, blastocyst transfer and vitrification to the treatm......

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Does your IVF doctor respect you?

Most IVF clinics aren't very open or transparent about the IVF treatment which they offer to their patients. Doctors - and even their assistants - are often very patronizing , and most Indian doctors are still quite patriarchal . They believe they should decid......

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The infertility camp scam

Corporate chains of IVF clinics need to generate a profit, and in order to do so they need to drum up business. Rather than wait for infertile couples to come to them, they go out into the community in order to attract infertile couples to come to them !......

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Cross referrals between urologist and gynecologist for IUI treatment

Lots of patients with a low sperm count are seen by a gynecologist , who then advises them to do an IUI treatment because they don't have anything better to offer them. However, because their sperm count is poor, they refer the patient to an andrologist/ ur......

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