

Why IVF Genetic Screening of embryos should not be used in clinical practice

Sadly, many IVF doctors are selling PGT/ PGS to their IVF patients, claiming that this will improve their IVF success rates. They charge a lot more money for doing this unproven experimental procedure. Don't let your doctor use you as a guinea paig !

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IVF mistreatment - fooling IVF patients the Indian way.

It breaks my heart when I see how badly IVF patients in India are treated. Here's a typical path many older women are misled into following by their doctors. Older women have poor egg quality , and are advised to do IVF. They get poor quality embryos - partl......

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What genetic tests does an egg donor need ?

Accepting eggs from an anonymous donor can be extremely difficult, and it involves a major leap of faith ! You have to trust that your doctor that will select the right donor for you - someone who is healthy, fertile and is a good physical match. One of the......

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Scared of going to an IVF doctor?

Lots of infertile couples know that the right treatment for them is IVF because it maximizes the chance of getting pregnant, but they're very scared of going to an IVF doctor. For one thing, they're worried that they'll be pushed into doing IVF even thou......

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Free Second Opinion for IVF patients

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How do gynecologists decide which IVF clinic to refer patients to ?

Gynecologists refer infertile patients for IVF treatment to specialist IVF clinics , because they can not offer this treatment themselves. One would logically expect them to send their patients to the IVF clinic with the best pregnancy rate because th......

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How cuts, kickbacks, and commissions harm IVF patients

It's a well known fact that most doctors today are on the take, and will take cuts, kickbacks, and commissions for referring patients to a specialist. This is especially true for corporate chains of IVF clinics, which want to maximise thei revenue. Medical k......

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Are you sure your gynecologist is referring you to the best IVF doctor?

Most patients depend on their gynecologist or family doctor or GP to refer them to the right IVF doctor. After all, family physicians are meant to be gatekeepers, and patients expect they will send them to be best specialist when they need advanced medical tre......

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When the sperm are a bottleneck for pregnancy

Men with a low sperm count can't get their wives pregnant in the bedroom. This is called male factor infertility, and the technical term for this is oligoastenospermia. This means that its it's the low sperm count which is the bottleneck in the bedroom, and th......

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Welcome to Parenthood: Positive Parenting When You Have a Disability

Parenthood is a gift. Theres a little person whom you get to love with every fiber of your being. You are his world, and he is your light. You get to watch him grow and develop into the person that he is meant to be. Your days are spent nurturing him, teaching him......

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