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Allowing IVF patients to make their own decisions

As an IVF doctor, I'm very respectful of patients' preferences. After all, infertility is not a medical problem, it's a social construct. Lots of people are quite happy not having a baby, so if they choose not to have one, that's their choice too ! We treat th......

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Why the IVF lab is a lot like a kitchen

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How many IVF cycles should I try?

Patients know that the pregnancy rate in a single IVF cycle is not 100% , and that they need to be patient until they get pregnant. A key question is - How many cycles should I try? After all, they need to know how much time and energy they need to devot......

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The biochemical pregnancy scam.

Lots of IVF clinics claim to have very high pregnancy rates, and it often appears that practically anyone who does an IVF cycle in these clinics gets pregnant ! Sadly, most of them don't end up with babies ! This is because of the clever scam which these......

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Is LH the villain in IVF protocols ?

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Why IVF babies have more problems

A lot of people worry that IVF babies are abnormal as compared to babies made in the bedroom . This is often based on press reports which say that IVF increases the risk of babies having medical problems . This is true , but we need to understand why ! Th......

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The one thing you need to do before IVF

A lot of IVF patients ask me what they need to do in order to prepare for an IVF cycle. Most of this is fairly common sense stuff , which they already know. They should be taking supplements , like folic acid. They should be fit, in good health, with the......

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Information Therapy for IVF patients

  One of the reason IVF cycles can be so stressful is because patients are so poorly prepared for it. For one thing, they have very unrealistic expectations , and they expect that they're going to get pregnant in the first cycle itself.   Now I understand th......

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IVF as a safety net

A lot of infertile couples are very reluctant to do IVF because they think that it signals the fact that they are failures. They think of this as a stigma - that because they have not been able to make a baby in their bedroom, they need assistance from a do......

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