

Making sense of your HCG levels

When IVF patients get pregnant, they know how important measuring their blood HCG level is, to monitor the health of their pregnancy. However , they aren't sure how to interpret these levels. The reason it can be hard to make sense of them is because the normal......

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Cancelling the IVF cycle because of a poor ovarian response

IVF patients who have a poor ovarian response are often not sure what to do. When they grow very few follicles inspite of taking lots of injections, they are understandably depressed and upset. Few follicles = few eggs = few embryos, which means their chances......

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IVF video - Are IVF pregnancies different?

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IVF Video. Why IVF embryos don't fall out after the transfer

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IVF Video. Are IVF babies cleverer?

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IVF Video. How do i cope with IVF Failure?

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IVF video - Why don't we give cuts or kickbacks to referring doctors?

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IVF packages and how to make sense of them !

Lots of clinics offer IVF packages these days, and these are helpful because not all patients will get pregnant in their first IVF cycle. Signing up for a package which offers 3 cycles ensures that they have realistic expectations of IVF treatment, and that the......

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How do I find an IVF clinic near me? IVF video

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Will IVF affect my future reproductive cycles? IVF video

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