

Will IVF affect my future reproductive cycles?

One of the biggest concerns patients have with IVF is that when IVF doctors make them grow so many eggs during the IVF cycle, that this will affect the remaining eggs in their ovary. They are worried that if they're left with fewer eggs, because the doctor ha......

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How do I find an IVF clinic near me?

Many patients will do a Google search for " IVF clinic near me", when they are looking for an IVF doctor. Actually, this is a very poor quality search, and if you ask poor quality questions, you will get bad answers! IVF is an expensive treatment, which req......

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Are IVF pregnancies different?

This is a big worry for many infertile couples. Many of them believe that IVF is an artificial process, because we are making babies in the laboratory. However, the truth is that there is nothing artificial about IVF - it's assisted reproductive technology!......

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Are IVF babies cleverer ?

People sometimes believe that IVF babies are smarter than normal babies. Since the doctor is choosing the best eggs and the best sperms, and transferring the best embryo in the uterus, it's logical to conclude these babies are going to be better ! This is not......

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How do I cope with IVF failure ?

While a patient can still manage her own heartache, the trouble is that she always feels she's let everyone else downand all the money, time, and energy which was spent on the expensive treatment has gone down the drain. This is why it's so important that pa......

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Multiple pregnancies as an iatrogenic complication of IVF.

Most patients are tickled pink when they see twin babies, and everyone knows that IVF increases the chance of having an IVF twin pregnancy. This is why lots of patients want the doctor to transfer more embryos, so they can have an instant family, and this can......

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IVF WordCloud

This word cloud describes some of the topics I have covered on my blog over the last 15 years !

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What went wrong doctor ?

Whenever an IVF cycle fails, the first question patients ask is - What went wrong? Now this is a very emotionally loaded term, because the moment you say, "something went wrong," it means that someone messed up ! Was it the doctor ? the nurse ? the embry......

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Why older women have lower IVF success rates

The reason older women have lower success rates when they do IVF is because their eggs take a tanking as they age. Both the quantity of their follicles ( as measured by their AMH level and their antral follicle count) as well as the quality of their eggs d......

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Logic vs emotions after a failed IVF cycle

Dealing with a negative HCG after a failed IVF cycle can be extremely hard, both for the patient and the doctor. The natural tendency is to want to blame someone ! What went wrong ? Who messed up ? It's natural to want to find someone we can criticize. The......

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