This word cloud describes some of the topics I have covered on my blog over the last 15 years !
Whenever an IVF cycle fails, the first question patients ask is - What went wrong? Now this is a very emotionally loaded term, because the moment you say, "something went wrong," it means that someone messed up ! Was it the doctor ? the nurse ? the embry......
The reason older women have lower success rates when they do IVF is because their eggs take a tanking as they age. Both the quantity of their follicles ( as measured by their AMH level and their antral follicle count) as well as the quality of their eggs d......
Dealing with a negative HCG after a failed IVF cycle can be extremely hard, both for the patient and the doctor. The natural tendency is to want to blame someone ! What went wrong ? Who messed up ? It's natural to want to find someone we can criticize. The......
A normal baby - born after an abnormal PGS result ! This is why you should refuse to do PGS ( preimplantation genetic screening). This new ( and very expensive !) has become very fashionable, and lots of IVF clinics are pushing their patients to do this, by cla......
For many women who want to defer having children, embryo pooling is a very viable strategy . We can create embryos when they are young, and then transfer these when they are ready to start their family. This way, they don't need to worry about the impact their......
While IVF labs are great at making top-quality blastocysts, the problem is that the chance of a blastocyst from a 40 year old woman getting pregnant is less as compared to that of a 25 year old woman, even though the morphological grade and the quality of thes......
A lot of IVF clinics take pride in the large number of cycles which they do . Their focus is on their turnover, because they are profit making corporates, who need to maximise their ROI for their investors. While is great for the management because this max......
We retrieved 4 oocyte cumlus complexes from 4 follicles for this older woman with a very low AMH level All the 4 eggs were mature ( M2) and we did ICSI for all of them However, only 1 fertilised This divided well until Day 4, by which point it had formed a morule H......