

The problem with going to a very busy IVF doctor

All infertile patients want to go the best possible IVF doctor so that they have the highest chance of being successful. This is why many prefer going to a very busy IVF clinic . They use his popularity as a surrogate marker for his technical competence. After all ,......

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Is your startup failing ?

While there's always a lot of excitement when a new startup is launched, unfortunately, we don't talk enough about the times when a startup is on its last legs and may need to shut down. One of the key decisions many startup founders and funders need to make is when t......

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Mumbaikars Strikes Back

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The Vodafone dumb chatbot

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How to protect yourself from medical errors

Medical errors can be a nightmare - both for patients, and for doctors. However, this is one of those topics which we prefer to sweep under the carpet, because it can be so emotionally charged. This is the first book from India on this important topic, and provi......

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A simple method to improve patient satisfaction

This is true for many reasons. Firstly, while the patient is in hospital, they're scared to criticise the medical staff, because they don't want them to get upset . They are worried that negative comments will mean that their patient will be neglected. This usually mea......

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Dr.Urmila Thatte: Medical Errors: Reporting Errors helps in Preventing M...

Reporting Errors helps in Preventing M

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Why is it so easy to fool IVF patients?

I just did a consultation with a patient who had done three IUI cycles at a local clinic. She'd got pregnant in each and every IUI cycle, but had apparently miscarried. Now this seemed a little fishy to me - after all, it sounded too good to be true. An IUI cycle has a......

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Sex, the infertile couple , and the doctor

We all know that infertility and sexuality are closely linked and this connection has multiple relationships. Thus, having sex infrequently will obviously affect fertility, and this is a surprisingly common problem in today's day and age in metropolises like Mumbai , wh......

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How doctors have contributed to the trust deficit

Most doctors are getting increasingly upset about the large number of rules, laws and regulations which the government is passing in order to control what they are allowed to do. Most of these are punitive laws, which impose penalties on doctors, and many doctors resen......

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