

Do you trust your doctor ?

The heart of clinical medicine is the doctor-patient relationship. When we are ill, we want someone we can look up to - someone whom we can trust. We want a doctor who understands our problems - not just the medical disease we have, but someone who has insights into our......

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Hallmarks of a bad IVF clinic

A patient just sent me this emailNow in September, I underwent IVF with donor eggs (frozen). Out of 7 donor eggs that were thawed, we got 2 embryos and 1 blastocyst (all A grade 8 cell embryos) which were transferred on day 3 and day 5 respectively. My endometrial lin......

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Non medical options for infertile patients

Whenever I counsel patients , I explain all their  possible options to them. I also include their non-medical choices, and emphasize that adoption and child free living are perfectly acceptable alternatives, which they should not reject out of hand.I always discuss the......

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Breakings the pharma doctor nexus by following the money

It's an open fact that many pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money in bribing doctors to prescribe their particular brands. They have got a good return on their investment so far , because these gifts have been proven to influence the doctor's prescription behavi......

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IVF success story at Malpani Infertility Clinics

As busy and happy professionals my husband and myself felt the desire to grow our family much later in our married life, about 2 years ago, after I quit working. After trying to conceive naturally we decided to explore IVF as an option.  There were two main hurdles, fir......

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The angry IVF patients

Every IVF clinic has their share of unhappy patients. Patients get upset for many reasons. Their cycle may have failed ; or the treatment is costing much more than they thought they would; or they feel that the doctor's not paying enough attention to them; or that the......

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Why the new expensive endometrial receptivity tests are useless

We all know that one of the key variables which affects IVF success is endometrial receptivity.  Often the only test which most doctors use to check whether the endometrium is receptive or not is a vaginal ultrasound scan. We check the thickness as well as the texture,......

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Why Indian private health insurers are failing

I was very optimistic when the health insurance industry was privatized in India . In the past , only the public sector insurance companies could offer health policies called MediClaim. These were of poor quality , because they were based on inadequate actuarial data ,......

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Sloppy reporting by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Feticide

What are Anti-Foeticide Funds ?  I understand the importance of preventing female feticide, but it is unpardonable when facts are skewed by such as august body, whose Core Values are supposed to be Independence, Objectivity, Integrity, Reliability, Professional Exce......

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How to create a better doctor rating site

One of the biggest challenges which confronts patients is to find a reliable and trustworthy doctor.  This is not a problem which has been successfully solved as yet. Traditionally , you would ask your family doctor for a referral; or go to a doctor your friend recommen......

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