

The Negative beta HCG

A negative beta HCG can often be the hardest thing for an IVF patient to deal with. There are so many hopes and dreams riding on the IVF cycle, and when the result comes back as negative, it can be very hard to deal with this failure. You feel that you are a failure, an......

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Are Indian corporate lab chains selling confidential patient data?

We all know that patient data can be worth its weight in gold. It contains a treasure trove of information, and lots of companies will be happy to give an arm and a leg to get access to this. When patients go to a clinic, they expect that their information will be kept......

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Why PGS testing is unreliable

Lots of IVF clinic are pushing PGS ( preimplantation genetic screening)  testing. They claim that it can help to improve pregnancy rates by reducing the chances of transferring chromosomally abnormal ( aneuploid) embryos. This seems logical, but as this article points......

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Founders need to share their mistakes with their investors

Startup founders are supposed to provide regular updates to their investors so that they can track their progress. Sadly, this is not something which most founders are good at, because they think of this chore as being an irksome distraction. They would rather focus o......

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IVF success story for patient from Africa

After 7 year of infertility we came to Dr.  Malpani with hope of having a baby we felt empty as we always wanted a family. We put our trust in him that somehow he would help us overcome this incredible battle. Dr. Malpani gave us inspiration, support and love along the......

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Does sealing ultrasound machines improve the sex ratio ?

The PNDT Act was passed over twenty years ago with the intention of reducing female foeticide and improving the sex ratio at birth.  It's high time we evaluated the effect of this law scientifically and critically. The hypothesis behind the PNDT Act was that it was the......

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What not to do - a guide for doctors

Doctors love doing stuff - whether it's ordering tests; interpreting scans; prescribing medicines; or performing surgery. This is what they have been trained to do , and they are happy to continue doing this. And it doesn't hurt that this is exactly what patients expect......

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Why are we wasting the wisdom of senior retired doctors ?

When judges retire, they are usually not put out to pasture. Some of them practice as lawyers, but many will be appointed by the government to head judicial committees or fact-findings bodies because they want to make good use of their lifetime of accumulated judicial e......

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What millenials need to know about egg freezing

TheHealthOrange featured my interview where I answer the questions millennial women may have about freezing eggs.  You can check it out here:

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Health awards for sale

The biggest issue with healthcare today is the trust deficit. Patients want to go to doctors whom they can trust. but the problem is that doctors and hospitals have lost all their credibility . All of medical care seems to be up for sale , and kick-backs and commissions......

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