

Healthy and Happy Mumbai.Dr Sanjay Oak's vision at a Free a Billion Meeting

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Why do IVF doctors tell patients not to google ?

When I see patients who have failed an IVF cycle, I ask them basic questions such as, "How many eggs did you grow?" and " What was your embryo quality". The standard response is, "Our doctor didn't tell us anything." Interestingly, many patients believe that doctors a......

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Why India's youth is thrilled with the demonetisation

There seems to be a major difference in the way the younger generation has looked upon the move by the government to demonetize high currency notes. Many older people are quite resentful and angry about this sudden and unexpected turn of events - especially the ones w......

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Cleaning up the Indian Economy

It's now been a week since the Prime Minister demonetized the Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes and it's time to reassess the situation. I for one have been very impressed by his ability to pull off a pretty dramatic move but lots of my friends have completely different opinion......

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Cleaning up corruption in India - looking forward

One of the major reasons India has remained a poor country inspite of the natural riches it is blessed with is because most of us are corrupt. If we want to give our children a better future, we need to change that behavior . Getting corrupt people to become straightfor......

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Why do IVF doctors write such irrational prescriptions ?

This is a standard prescription from a leading IVF clinic in India. There are 8 medicines described for luteal phase support after the frozen embryo transfer. This is a textbook example of needless polypharmacy and irrational prescribing. The only 2 medicines which......

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Why do entrepreneurs from Tier 2 Indian cities have an inferiority complex ?

I gave a talk recently on angel investing at the Nashik Entrepreneurship Forum . I was very impressed with the turnout. There were over 300 people attending - and most of them were entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs. It seems that becoming a startup founder is......

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Pregnancy success story from Malpani Infertility Clinic to Tanzania

We are married couple from Tanzania and being married for seven years, starting a family immediately after a marriage was not an option we wanted to wait for few years though no birth control was used, luckily we discover that we are suffering with severe oligospermia a......

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Third-Party Financing Could Support Rooftop Solar in India

India’s government unveiled an ambitious rooftop solar program this year with the goal of installing 40 GW of rooftop solar power by 2022, according to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. This can be funded by third party financing.  Great opportunity for clea......

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The one thing founders need to do to scale up their start up

The trick to growing your startup is learning when to say No to customers. This might sound counterintuitive , because when you're a startup, you're so desperate for cash that you are happy to take money from anyone and everyone who is willing to buy your services. Ho......

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