

Why do most IVF cycles fail ?

The commonest reason for IVF failure is implantation failure. Even when we transfer good quality embryos inside the uterus , we know that most IVF cycles will fail. This is very frustrating for patients,  because they expect that their embryo is going to become a baby -......

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Why small town Indian entrepreneurs have a competitive edge

Most of the start up action in India is in Pune, Banaglore, Delhi and Mumbai. This is where the incubators , accelerators and the angel investor networks are, which is why this is where all the ambitious founders go.However, I believe that entrepreneurs in tier-two citi......

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Does India really have a shortage of doctors and hospital beds?

One of the commonest solutions which is proposed to treat India's ailing health care system is creating more medical colleges to churn out more doctors ; and building more hospitals. The standard  party line seems to be that we don't have enough doctors , given the larg......

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'POINTLESS' TREATMENTS THAT CAN COST THOUSANDS Endometrial scratch (up to £350) Scratching the womb is said to release hormones that make it more adhesive, but studies found it does not help women with fewer than two failed implants. Assisted hatching (£615) May......

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Fixing healthcare in Mumbai

I just attended a meeting at Freedom for A Billion, where senior medical experts such as Dr. Sanjay Oak , CEO of Aga Khan Health Services, and Dr. Avinash Supe , Dean of KEM Hospital, spoke about their vision for improving healthcare for Mumbai. Healthcare represents ......

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Why is the Government turning a blind eye to the misuse of new technology for female feticide ?

Ultrasound scanning can be life saving . However, because it was being misused for gender determination and female feticide, the Government introduced the PCPNDT Act and started  monitoring ultrasound scanning more closely, to prevent this abuse. However , technology......

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Public Private Partnerships to heal Healthcare.

We all know that the healthcare system in India is creaking.  The situation is going to become progressively worse , because we cannot keep up with the demand for medical attention. Epidemics of infectious diseases such as dengue and malaria have become increasingly com......

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Improving healthcare by using the human capital in our medical colleges

Indian doctors have a great reputation globally for being excellent clinicians, and the government teaching hospitals do a great job at providing cost-effective medical care to poor patients . They take pride in the fact that they don't turn any patient away, no matte......

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How medical colleges can improve healthcare in India

There is no doubt that the municipal corporation teaching hospitals such as KEM, Nair and Sion are brilliant medical institutions. I've been trained at them , and the clinical training is excellent because there are so many patients who throng to these hospitals fo......

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How the media can stop unnecessary doctor bashing

Today, wherever something goes wrong in a  private hospital, the doctor is blamed. He is called negligent , and is often beaten up. There's a lot of unnecessary violence, and doctors get a lot of bad press.  This is why the image of the medical profession suffers. The a......

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