

Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS) - a guide for IVF doctors

                                  Many IVF specialists do not know how to deal with Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS). This is a guide for IVF doctors dealing with EFS. Vaginal egg collection is a very routine procedure in an IVF clinic. The procedure is over......

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Downregulation in IVF

                                                      In order to superovulate you properly during your IVF cycle, we first need to downregulate you. This article explains why we need to do this - and how we do so Superovulation - helping you to grow more eggs - is th......

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Superovulation in IVF | Your Guide to IVF Success

Overview:During an IVF cycle, doctors use medications called menotropins (HMG) to stimulate follicles in the ovaries to grow more eggs. Superovulation usually starts on Day 2 or 3, as the body starts selecting follicles for growth each month from Day 1 to 3. These injec......

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Top Ten Tips for Facing Infertility

                                            Women who are having a tough time dealing with Infertility will benefit from these 10 useful tips on how to best cope with it. One of the most amusing books I have read on infertility is: A Few Good Eggs : Two Chicks Dish on......

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Beyond Semen Analysis

                                               If the sperm sample analysis is poor, further testing such as as blood tests , ultrasound scans and even a testis biopsy are required for efficient male infertility treatment. For the man with a poor semen sample, addition......

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Managing your anxiety before an IVF treatment cycle

                     While most patients can handle the medical bits and bobs of an IVF treatment cycle quite easily, dealing with the anxiety which an IVF cycle involves can be very challenging. I just saw a 38 year old patient who had a low AMH level. S......

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Clinic vs bedroom - the dilemma before infertile couples

                                   If you cannot make a baby in your bedroom, the IVF lab offers you your best option. You need to factor in variables like time, efficiency, expense, and hassle factorso that you can choose what works best for you. All infe......

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How to get a second opinion on your infertility problem

                             Are you getting the best possible Infertility treatment from your doctor? Changing your infertility doctor is often a challenging task due to the rapport that is already developed with the current doctor. However, getting a second opinion......

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IVF treatment cycle - Have peace of mind you did your best

                                            Couples may face tremendous stress during IVF treatment cycle due to high expectations. The way out is to manage expactaions at a reasonable level. Being infertile is stressful and going through an IVF cycle can be even more......

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How Infertility Can Drive You Crazy !

                                            Infertilty may causes stress between husband and wife. This stress can it seem like they are losing their mental stability, if not nandled in a mature manner. A guest post  This is a guest post from a patient who is worried......

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