

Cost of IVF

                                                        A complete IVF cycle at our clinic costs about Rs 3,00,000 - and this is all-inclusive for all medical procedures. Medicines would cost about Rs  145000 more.  Included services in our IVF cost:     Ovaria......

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Are you worried that you may be infertile?

A detailed understanding of the many factors that cause infertility is the foundation on which a successful conception can be made to occur. Reading the following questions and answers is a good place to start your journey out of infertility. Many couples naively exp......

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Ovulation calculator | Free fertility calculator

                                                                                                                             How can you determine your "fertile time" so that you can plan baby-making sex? There are many methods that you can use to calculate the time yo......

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IVF and Adoption: Complementary or Competitive?

                                     Infertile couples resort to IVF as their last option. They have exhausted every resource while trying to conceive and do not have many other options left. They put all their hopes on this last resort and can be very stresse......

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IVF overtesting - what IVF patients need to know to protect themselves!

                                   I see numerous infertile couples who have had lots of expensive, painful (and unnecessary!) tests performed. When they go to an IVF clinic, the doctor gives them a long list of tests which they have to do. This is a checklist – which......

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Managing the Two Week Wait (2ww)

                                       During your IVF treatment cycle, once your embryos have been transferred back to the uterus, there is a 2 week waiting period before you can find out if you are pregnant or not. This wait can create havoc in your life. There is a......

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What I hate most about being infertile

                        Infertility causes a lot of heartbreak, sorrow and unhappiness. This is what one of my patients had to say about being infertile. " I hate the fact that I can't have a baby to cradle in my arms. This loss is like a death – the deat......

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Irregular periods & Infertility

Many infertile women are confused about irregular periods. They need to understand that regular periods by themselves do not ensure successful conception. Irregular periods are common in infertile women. However, many women are very confused about the relation between......

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The Commonest Mistakes Infertile Patients Make

The right attitude to infertility treatment can make a different between success and failure. Here are some common mistakes made by infertile couples and how to avoid them. Mrs. Radhika Desai was my last appointment of the day, and she had a thick medical file......

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Why waste time ?

Conventional treatment for infertility Systematic time consuming Patients get fed up and frustrated Success oriented approach - much more effective Patients want a baby Time never comes back again If you can have a baby when you are in your early 30s, far bette......

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