

The Expert Patient

Sometimes the infertility doctor and patient do not agree on a treatment plan. The patient is not happy with the solution which the doctor offers, but may not express it openly. To resolve this stand-off situation, we follow a model of non-directive counseling to hel......

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How IVF Doctors Misuse Ultrasound Scanning

A vaginal ultrasound scan gives a lot of useful information. Unfortunately, many IVF specialists misuse this simple technique. Learn how to avoid this common trap. A vaginal ultrasound scan has now become a routine part of the work of an infertile woman, becaus......

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Why I Prefer Website Referrals

Patients come to us either through referrals from a doctor ; referrals from patients; and through our website. I prefer patients who come from our website because they are usually well informed and pro active. The source of patient referrals for most doctors ha......

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Misusing technology in an IVF clinic

Infertility specialists often recommend expensive clinical tests that are unnecessary for the patient, but profitable to the clinic. In reality, more tests just add to the expense... and the confusion, without improving success rates Misusing Technology In an I......

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Top Ten Fertility Fallacies

Most people assume they are fertile till they find out otherwise. Infertile couples often subscribe to mistaken assumptions that can be cleared with the right information. One of the most amusing books I have read on infertility is : A Few Good Eggs : Two Chick......

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The 3ww wait

                                          These are the critical 3 weeks from the point when the hCG test is positive , until you see the heartbeat of your baby on the ultrasound screen. About the 2WW A lot has been written about the dreaded two week......

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Making babies without making love

                                           Many marriages remain unconsummated and this could be because of a problem in the husband or the wife. Fortunately, there are now clever solutions to help these couples to have a baby ! When most couples get marr......

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How many weeks pregnant after the transfer ? | IVF | Embryo transfer | 2ww in IVF

Many IVF patients get very confused about how the doctor calculates the age of their pregnancy ( = gestational age, in medical jargon). Logically, shouldn't it be from the day of the embryo transfer? After all, it's only after the embryos are transferred that a woman......

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Why are young fertile women doing IVF ?

                                      While it's true that IVF was originally developed as a medical treatment option for infertile couples, many fertile women are now increasingly opting for IVF for social reasons. I saw a 28 year old business executive t......

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What every Patient needs to know about their Sperm, Eggs & Embryos

                                   Embryologists are the scientists who make your embryos from your eggs and sperms in the IVF lab. Here is a basic Reproductive Biology 101 course you should review before going in for IVF treatment. Dr Sai , Embryologist,......

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