

Beware of the TESA Scam: Unnecessary Surgery for Male Infertility

  The Rise of TESA: In this video, Dr. Malpani highlights the increasing use of TESA, a surgical procedure that extracts sperm directly from the testicles. This is often pitched to men with low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or high DNA fragmentation (DFI). How......

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Importance of Sperm Quality and IVF success

  This informative video by Dr. Malpani dives deep into the role of sperm quality in IVF, debunking myths and highlighting the importance of a skilled laboratory. Sperm: More than half of the DNA While sperm contributes 50% of the genetic material, the egg plays......

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How to make sure that the Embryo Implants in the uterus ?

  This honest and informative video by Dr. Malpani sheds light on the mystery surrounding embryo implantation, a critical but unpredictable stage in IVF treatment. The Frustrating Black Box: Why Implantation is a Lottery. The video opens by acknowledging the succ......

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From Zero to Hero: How Men with No Sperm Count Can Still Become Fathers?

  This informative video by Dr. Malpani sheds light on hope for men with zero sperm count (azoospermia). It explores the causes and treatment options available. Two Main Causes of Azoospermia The two main causes of azoospermia are blockages and testicular failure......

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Take Charge of Your IVF Journey: Why Patient Education is Key

This informative and engaging article tackles a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of IVF (in vitro fertilisation): patient education. Dr. Malpani empowers patients to become active participants in their own fertility journey, emphasising the importance of informed d......

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AMH Levels: Understanding the Hype and Finding Hope

  This video aims to empower women by debunking common myths surrounding AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone) levels and fertility. AMH is a marker, not a crystal ball. Dr. Malpani in this video clarifies that AMH levels, often used to assess ovarian reserve, are just on......

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Everything you need to know about pregnancy test after IVF

  As an IVF specialist, Dr. Malpani understands the immense joy and anticipation that comes with trying to conceive. In this video Dr. Malpani focuses on a crucial aspect of Pregnancy test after IVF: the Beta HCG blood test. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, i......

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Egg Freezing: Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Fertility

  This video, presented by Dr. Malpani dives into the reasons why egg freezing has become so popular. The Science Behind Egg Freezing : Traditionally, freezing eggs was difficult due to their large size and high water content, leading to ice crystal formation d......

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What Really Matters for Pregnancy: Sperm or Egg?

While we all know that eggs and sperm are both necessary for creating a baby, the surprising truth is that in the world of IVF (in vitro fertilisation), eggs reign supreme. The flawed logic of "equal importance" At first glance, it seems logical to assume that eggs,......

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What are the Limitations of PGT in IVF ? | All about PGT

  In this video, Dr. Malpani talks about preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), a procedure often recommended after failed IVF cycles. While PGT might seem like a magic bullet for ensuring a healthy pregnancy, it's crucial to understand its limitations before makin......

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