

When can I have a baby? Understanding Your Fertility Timeline

Many young, ambitious women face a difficult question: can they balance career aspirations with building a family? Fertility often declines with age, and societal pressures can amplify these anxieties. This article aims to dispel the myth of a rigid biological clock......

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Why Single Blastocyst Transfer is the New Standard in IVF

In the past, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technology wasn't as advanced, leading to lower pregnancy rates. Doctors transferred multiple embryos to increase the chances of at least one implanting. While this approach might seem logical, it comes with a significant down......

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Focus on Patient Empowerment : A guide to choosing the Right IVF doctor

While success rates are undeniably important, choosing the right IVF doctor goes far beyond a single statistic. At Malpani Infertility Clinic, we believe in fostering a trusting and transparent relationship with our patients throughout their fertility journey. However......

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Failed IVF: Moving Forward with Hope and Knowledge

At Malpani Infertility Clinic, we understand the emotional rollercoaster of infertility. While IVF offers a beacon of hope, failed cycles can be incredibly disheartening. But know this: you are not alone. Many couples face similar challenges, and there are steps you c......

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How IVF is like gambling

There are surprising similarities between IVF and gambling. Introduction At first glance, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and gambling might seem worlds apart. While one is a scientific procedure that aims to create life, others often view it as a risky pastime. Howeve......

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What you can learm from a failed ivf cycle?

Navigating the emotional landscape It's natural to feel disheartened when an IVF cycle doesn't lead to a pregnancy. After all, the primary goal of undergoing IVF is to conceive. However, a broader perspective reveals that even an unsuccessful cycle can offer valuable......

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The Paradox of Modern Life

At Malpani Infertility Clinic, we understand the emotional rollercoaster of infertility. While IVF offers a beacon of hope, failed cycles can be incredibly disheartening. But know this: you are not alone. Many couples face similar challenges, and there are steps you c......

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The Paradox of Modern Life: Too Busy to Have Sex to Have a Baby!

The fundamental human desire to start a family frequently takes a backseat in an era of technological advancements and the relentless pursuit of success. The irony of modern civilization is palpable: as we race towards achieving higher productivity and efficiency, we......

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Why Informed Decision-Making Matters in IVF Treatment

Introduction As a fertility specialist, I have had the privilege of guiding countless couples on their journey towards parenthood. In my practice, I have observed that well-informed patients tend to have better outcomes. In this article, I will discuss why I prefer t......

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How to be kind to yourself during your ivf journey

Introduction The journey towards parenthood is a profound and often emotional one. As we sail through the unpredictable waters of fertility, we encounter waves of hope, disappointment, and resilience. Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, a renowned fertility specialist and compass......

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