

Miracle of Nature: How Embryos Hatch Without a Beak

We tend to take the miracle of birth for granted, but as an IVF embryologist, I witness the marvel of human reproduction every day. It's quite inspiring to see how well-designed this process is. For example, a human embryo is protected by a shell called the zona as it......

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How to prepare yourself for IVF ? | Things you must know before an IVF Cycle

  The path to parenthood isn't always straightforward. For many couples, the desire to have a child is met with the unexpected hurdle of infertility. This journey can be emotionally draining, filled with uncertainty and a constant barrage of questions. How long wil......

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KY Jelly and Conception: A Surprising Obstacle on the Path to Parenthood

Trying to conceive can be a whirlwind of emotions for couples. Information abounds, but not all of it is accurate. Dr. Malani's informative article tackles a common misconception that can unknowingly hinder a couple's chances of getting pregnant: the use of KY Jelly a......

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The Game Changer: AOA Explained in Simple Terms by Dr. Aniruddha Malpani

  This video tackles a complex topic in IVF – assisted oocyte activation (AOA). Let's break it down: The Job of Sperm: Normally, sperm activates the egg (oocyte) during fertilization. This allows it to develop into an embryo. The sperm head has a cap (acrosome) co......

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Conquer your IVF Cycle: The ultimate pre-treatment guide

  Let's talk about navigating the infertility journey. We all know infertility can be incredibly stressful. The unknown is a big part of that stress – how long will this take? What treatments will I need? Will it even work? These are valid questions, but unfortuna......

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Why Some doctors use PRP therapy for thin uterine Lining

  This video addresses a challenge some of you undergoing IVF, might encounter: a thin uterine lining, also called the endometrium. A thin lining makes embryo implantation difficult, causing frustration. Normally, the endometrium regenerates monthly, so it's not a......

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Love Lost in the Hustle: How Busy Lives Can Cause "Social Infertility"

  The path to parenthood isn't always straightforward. While medical issues can play a role, a surprisingly common hurdle is what some call "social infertility." This doesn't involve biological problems, but rather the consequence of busy modern lives leading to "s......

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The Importance of Educating Patients in the IVF Process

Empowering Patients Through Education Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, a distinguished IVF expert with three decades of experience, passionately advocates for patient education within the fertility treatment landscape. Many wonder why Dr. Malpani focuses so intensely on patien......

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Embryo Adoption vs. Traditional Adoption: What Infertile Couples Need to Know

Introduction: The shift in adoption trends Adoption has long been a cherished pathway to parenthood for many couples facing infertility. However, with societal changes, including higher education levels and fewer unwanted pregnancies, the availability of babies for t......

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Understanding IVF Outcomes: Reframing "Failure"

The Misconception of IVF "Failure" The term "IVF failure" often carries a negative connotation that can be misleading and hurtful. Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, an experienced IVF expert, challenges this terminology by highlighting the natural inefficiency of human reproduc......

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