
IVF success story for patient from Dubai

Patient from UAE with PCOD gets pregnant after TESA ICSI treatment.

We got married in Aug 2007 and immediately decided that we need to have our first kid ASAP. We kept on trying for a year without any success and then decided to see a Gynecologist, for sure under family pressure. The gynecologist told me to do a semen analysis and was shocked to see the result. I was suffering from a condition called azoospermia where I had no sperms in my semen!! This really pulled me back more so mentally than anything else. We did a lot of research on the possible remedies and met a few Urologists - the diagnosis was that I had bilateral varicocele. However, luckily for me I had quite a few sperms in my semen that I was told could be used for an IVF treatment. This gave us a big sigh of relief. But the urologist also said that if I treated the varicocele I can have a baby naturally without any artificial insemination. This excited me and I decided to undergo a varicocele surgery, and guess what!! This changed my life forever and was probably the biggest mistake I had made in my life!! All those few sperms I had vanished!! Mistake no.1!!

It was back to square one and two years had passed by then. We continued our research and zeroed in on three infertility specialists. One was based out of Dubai as we were based out of Dubai, one in Kerala and the third was Dr. Malpani. Though we had found Dr. Malpani on the web, we did not bother to mail him our story as the email communication with other two doctors were quite poor. Mistake no. 2!!

We decided to undergo our first IVF in Dubai just for ease of logistics. We underwent TESA-ICSI. We had very few embryos and that too of poor quality though we had enough sperms & eggs. We anyways went ahead with the embryo transfer and though we did not expect a success, it was devastating to know that the cycle failed. Mistake no. 3!!

We now decided to mail Dr. Malpani about the failed IVF and my condition. There came an immediate response and that too quite detailed. The thing is most of the things that we needed to know is in his website. In fact before undergoing the varicocele surgery I had read in Dr. Malpani's site that the varicocele surgery is not an useful procedure and it turned out to be quite true. We somehow gained the confidence to see Dr. Malpani and did a spy visit to the clinic to know them better. We were really impressed by his patience, attitude and the facilities (all in one place) and he now diagnosed that my wife had PCOD as well!! This came as a another shock.

We then for some reason decided that we will leave it to the Almighty and not do anything. But eventually, deep inside we knew we were young and shouldn't lose our chance like this. We decided now to meet the famous Kerala doctor. I don't know why I did it after meeting Malpani, I think it was influenced by my family as the doctor was from Kerala and we hailed from Kerala. He was so very busy to even meet us and when we eventually met him he told us that our chances are very poor and go for an Ayurvedic treatment!! We actually did not know where to go... But we did spend lot of money, effort & time on Ayurveda as well. As you might have guessed, it did not help us. Wasted another year here, 3 years passed. Mistake no. 4!!
Finally, we decided to follow our gut. We set ourselves for the 2nd IVF now with Dr. Malpani. We stayed in Colaba, Mumbai for 20 days and underwent the procedure ICSI. Actually this time around, I had enough sperms and did not have to undergo a TESA. We had beautiful embryos and transferred them and went back to Dubai after two days. The 10 day wait got over so very slowly and but we thought this time it was on!! But God had other plans, we had our second failed IVF. :(

But now, we had become so very mentally tough. We knew we had to try again and again - decided we will try till we exhaust our resources. We tried to understand from Dr. Malpani why it had failed. There was no concrete reason but he did suggest some tweaks in the procedure though. We did not get discouraged.

After waiting for another 10 months, in Dec'12 we decided to undergo our 3rd ICSI. Again with Dr. Malpani. This time it had to be a TESA-ICSI. We were very relaxed, had gone for a Mumbai tour, movie, did lots of shipping etc..Just had a great time in Mumbai. Even on the day of embryo transfer. we were relaxed unlike last time. We saw our embryos and they were fantastic. Even the embryologist was impressed by how well the embryo cells were growing. We did the ET, went back to Kerala after 3 days. The 2 week wait was much easier this time, though as you can imagine the nervousness did kick in. Then came a huge shock on the 9th day, my wife started to spot blood slightly. We then started to cry and thought this was yet another failed attempt. We said let us not wait for 2 weeks and do the beta HCG the same day itself. Guess what!! Almighty had other plans this time again. WE HAD A POSITIVE RESULT!! MY WIFE WAS PREGNANT. God was very kind to us!!

We were over the moon and now we are the proud parents of a handsome baby boy. He was born on the 5th Sep'12. This is indeed life changing experience. All my elders use to say, time will come. Our time has come. We really do not know how to thank Dr. Malpanis and their staff. They have been superb in guiding us, keeping us relaxed and more importantly in executing their skills in the best possible manner.

We have another 7 frozen embryos in storage; and plan to go back after 2 years to complete our family !

Our sincere thanks to Dr.Malpani, his wife and his entire nursing staff.

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.