

Patients- Make Better Treatment Decisions

When infertile couples start looking for reliable information, they find there isn’t enough of it. Sure, the Internet is choc-a-bloc with articles, blogs, videos etc, about infertility- but not all of it can be relied upon or verified either. This simply means that pa......

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The Manner in Which Infections Cause Male Infertility

Infections like tuberculosis, mumps and sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis can impact male infertility. Previously, the commonest cause of aazoospermia in India was smallpox. This particular infection injured the epididymis, and resul......

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What Exactly is a Chemical Pregnancy?

There are times when IVF patients are told that they have what is called a “chemical pregnancy” and that they are “a little pregnant” (which obviously confuses them) So, what exactly is this and how is it different from a normal pregnancy? A chemical pregnancy is also......

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Natural Cycle IVF- What is It?

Earlier, IVF procedures were done by collecting eggs during the natural menstrual cycles of the woman who wanted to have a baby- it’s known as Natural Cycle IVF. It doesn’t involve any type of ovarian stimulation. Over time, this procedure was replaced by the ovarian......

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The Fears that Women Harbor About IVF

It’s not uncommon to see couples scared of doing IVF. In some couples, this fear is so real and overwhelming, that they just don’t consider this as a treatment option for their infertility at all. Unfortunately, in doing so, they also deprive themselves of their best......

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Is IVF a good Option for You?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), is a medical treatment that fertilizes egg cells with sperm, in a Petri dish. Currently, it is the most successful treatment option for infertile couple. It has proved to be useful even in older women with low ovarian reserves as well as......

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PCOD and Infertility- The Principles for Self Management

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is also known as PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease). It is one of the commonest causes of infertility.  In this disease, the patient has multiple small cysts in her ovaries; these occur when there is a disruption of the regular chang......

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What is Laparoscopic Ovarian Cauterisation?

Patients with PCOD are sometimes treated with an alternative treatment option that makes use of laparoscopy. In operative laparoscopy, multiple holes are drilled through the thickened ovarian capsule using a laser or cautery. This procedure is known as ovarian drillin......

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Why We Prefer to Treat Older Women at The Malpani Infertility Clinic

Most IVF Clinics don’t really look forward to treating older women; as a matter of fact, many will also refuse to treat them citing some other reasons. They primarily do this to keep their success rates at high levels.  Older women tend to have fewer eggs and the qual......

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How Infertility Can Impact Your Sex Drive

Most couples who are attempting to have a baby are instructed by their doctors to have timed sex. It’s a fact that infertility treatment is very exhaustive from the physical and mental viewpoint and the one other impact is that couples also find that their sex drive t......

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