

Why Do Some Couples Not Even Consider Doing IVF?

When it comes to treating infertility, IVF is the most effective treatment and has proved to be no less than a boon for many couples. This treatment has very high success rates if you do it at a reputed and credible clinic. Despite this, a number of infertile couples......

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Egg Donor Procedure – The Tests the Donor Has to Do

It’s not uncommon anymore for IVF patients to use donor eggs in their treatment. The number of women willing to donate their eggs has increased and there is a proportionate rise in the number of women above 40 years of age, who want to have babies. Today, IVF clinics......

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How and Why a Second Opinion Matters

What would you do if your doctor looked at all your test & told you that you were infertile? Do you simply get dejected and give up on your baby dream? Or do you decide that you will actually do something about it? In most instances, infertile couples harbor very unre......

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How to Handle the Emotional Ups and Downs of IVF

Anyone who is facing problems with getting pregnant should read different IVF success stories – these are a great way to feel encouraged not to give up hope. After all, IVF is the best treatment there is for infertile couples to have the baby they want. It’s not uncom......

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Why Laparoscopy Isn’t a Good Idea Before Doing IVF?

It isn’t uncommon for many infertile women to have endometriosis and fibroids as they are very common findings in women in the reproductive age group; fertile women have these as well. The unfortunate part is that when a gynecologist sees endometriosis and fibroids in......

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A Fact- Gynaecologists Can Do More harm than Good to Infertile Patients

When couples find out that they are having difficulty with having a baby, they first go to their gynecologist for treatment. Though the latter may be the first choice when it comes to treating infertility, they aren’t really specialists in this particular field and do......

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Embryo Transfer- The Steps

An embryo transfer is the final medical step in an IVF treatment cycle. It is the culmination of this treatment as the embryos are essentially the end-product of the IVF laboratory. Typically, a good IVF clinic that has a good IVF lab generates good quality embryos. A......

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Things You Can do to Become a good IVF Patient

Every patient has a number of questions about what the success rate of their IVF treatment will be. While it very important to choose a good clinic and a good IVF specialist, it’s also very important to become a good patient- you might not realize it, but this signifi......

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Why your Embryos are Snug and Secure in Your Uterus

Once the embryos have been implanted, patients get paranoid about what is happening to their embryos inside their uterus. The dreaded 2WW becomes excruciatingly lengthy and they are constantly worried that even if they sneeze or cough, their embryos with fall out of t......

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About IVF, GIFT and ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)

Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is an advanced form of embryo transfer; in this version, the fertilized and dividing embryo (early cleavage-stage embryo) is carefully transferred to the fallopian tube during laparoscopy. The other term for ZIFT is tubal embryo t......

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