

'Skilled Manpower, Low Cost Of Treatment Attract Foreigners'

Times of India, By Shabnam Minwalla With the trickle of international patients coming to the country for treatment, 'medical tourism' is becoming a trend. So, while our hospitals are accustomed to Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and residents of West Asian countries, they a......

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City doctor proclaims the end of male infertility

Indian Express, T S Gopi Rethinaraj Is there any viable option for infertile male patients to father a child? Yes, says a city-based doctor, who attains the distinction of being the first medico in the country to treat such patients successfully. The new treatment is e......

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Striving To Overcome Male Infertility

Indian Express, TS Gopal Rethinaraj India has not lagged behind the West in the field of medicine but it has to accelerate certain developments which might meet with stiff resistance here. There are certain areas like infertility where many unorthodox clinical practice......

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Proofing God's Screenplay Outlook Magazine, Nov 20, 2000 By Shameem Akhtar

Hereditary disorders can now be detected in a test-tube embryo in India and abortion avoided. Thirty-five-year-old Amrita Kaur's (name changed) nephew has Down's Syndrome. It's a mental disorder (stunting) with malformation of physical features (fingers and face). Part......

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Malpani Clinic in the Print Media

Our baby joy, by test-tube tourists who flew to India Britons risked fury of health professionals at home to have banned multi-embryo implant Amelia Gentleman in Mumbai Sunday March 26, 2006 The Observer After 18 years of trying for a child, and thousands of pounds s......

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BUSINESSWORLD COVER STORY - 24 JUNE 2002 World Class Surgeries

BUSINESSWORLD COVER STORY - 24 JUNE 2002 World Class Surgeries Businessworld Magazine, India's leading business newsmagazine , ran a cover story on World Class Surgeries, which described the state-of-the-art treatment now available at leading Indian hospitals (24......

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Juggling with Genetics

Afternoon Despatch and Courier, By Tara Patel Is there such a thing as a tailor-made baby? No such thing yet, exclaimed a bemused British Doctor, Dr. Alan Thornhill, visiting Mumbai and India for the third time --- this time in association with city doctor Dr. Aniruddh......

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Infertility Friends - Sharing And Caring

                                                Afternoon Despatch & Courier, By PRIYA PARIKH TANNA For every problem, there is help just around the corner. Example: Infertility Friends. All you have to do is talk it out. Infertility is not just a biological conditio......

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Keeping Up With the Jones

Mid-Day, By Vidya Shivram Dr Amy Jones's contribution to mankind is teaching medical centres to implement a new infertility treatment technique She is all 25. A love for travelling combined with a love for work appears to have brought Dr Amy Jones to Mumbai. An embry......

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Any Man Can Father A Child, Says Doc

Mid-Day, BY A STAFF REPORTER EVERY man, no matter what his medical problem, can father a child with his own sperm, according to Dr Aniruddha Malpani, a city-based doctor and member of the European Society for Human Reproduction. The new technique, called TSE ICSI (pr......

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