

Blastocyst transfer

The formulation of new laboratory culture media - the liquid in which the embryo is grown in vitro - has made it possible to "grow" embryos in vitro beyond the typical 2 to 3 day state of development , till they become blastocysts. A blastocyst is the final stage of the......

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How to complain about your doctor - the legal options

In the rare instance that you need to complain about your doctor, you need to know what steps you can take. There are many avenues open to you to get redressal, and you may choose any or all of them. The vast majority of patients are usually completely satisfied with th......

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I have failed five IVF cycles , Dr Malpani - what do I do next ?

My patient was at her wit's end and was sobbing her heart out. I have done 5 IVF cycles all over the world, Dr Malpani - and they've all failed. What do I do next ? This is always a complex question - and there's no easy answer. You need to be analytical and logical,......

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Know what our patients have to say

With patients from all over the world, many of them have agreed to serve us as "email infertility buddies" at our request. You can now find out what treatment at Malpani Infertility Clinic is like from a patient's point of view. We treat patients from all over the worl......

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How to increase antra follicle count | How to increase AMH levels

AMH is a hormone that is produced by your antral follicles. If you have more antral follicles, this means that you have a good ovarian reserve and the yield of eggs during your IVF cycle is likely to be high too. When a girl is born, she already has the entire stock......

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Why do so many women stop treatment after failing their first IVF cycle ?

                                          Most infertile women know that IVF represents their best chance of having a baby, which is why they sign up for the first IVF cycle. Those who have realistic expectations understand that the failure rate in one cycle will alway......

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Age and fertility

A woman's age is always a sensitive topic - and this is true, no matter how old she is. If she's infertile, she is likely to become even touchier about this, because she's aware of the fact that she has a biological clock which she cannot rewind. As she ages, she no lon......

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Repeated IVF Failure - Should I Stop or Go on with the Treatment?

                                            Repeated IVF failure is tough to tackle as it affects both the body and mind, but only you can decide whether to continue with the treatment or not. any infertile patients face the dilemma of stopping or continuing after mul......

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Pregnancy in a man with Globozoospermia

                              A man was diagnosed with globozoospermia with normal sperm count and motility. We performed ICSI with assisted oocyte activation using a calcium ionophore. Saiprasad Gundeti, Senior Embryologist Here's a case study of a very challenging p......

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The Magic of In-Vitro Maturation of oocytes

Dr. Sai, Senior Embryologist of Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd explains how the magic of in-vitro maturation of oocytes works by giving some real-life experiences of patients. The Magic of In-Vitro Maturation of oocytes Dr. Sai, Senior Embryologist, Malpani Infer......

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