

Alternative Medicine Versus Western Medicine for IVF patients - Friend or Foe ?

                                                    3 centuries ago, Western medicine was a foreign concept in India. Infertile couples would go to an ayurvedic or unani doctor, who would give them dietary advise, along with herbal medicines. Many would make the rounds......

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MyFertilityDiary is a patient friendly tool to assist in your fertility treatment

                                                    A free app for infertile patients to help them during their IVF treatment My Fertility Diary is the first mobile application available that provides infertile couples the ability to plan and track fer......

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How many embryos should you transfer ?

                                                  Making embryos is something the IVF lab can do , since it's a procedure which is done in the lab. However, after we transfer the embryos back into the uterus, whether or not they will implant to become a baby is not in......

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Best tablet to increase sperm count ? | Truth about low sperm count

One of the commonest requests I get is - Doctor, I have a low sperm count. Which is the best medicine to boost this? They try to manipulate their diet and their lifestyle, with the hope that something will work. Popular interventions include: Coldwater showers Boxer......

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What every patient needs to know about the IVF lab

                              What every patient needs to know about the IVF lab where we grow and safeguard your precious embryos. Saiprasad Gundeti Senior Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic The IVF Lab  The IVF lab is the heart of an......

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About Days Post Ovulation (DPO) | How to calculate DPO Ovulation ? | Average HCG levels by DPO

What you need to know about DPO We all know that ovulation is the central event in a woman's reproductive cycle. All reproductive events ( for example, timing baby-making sex) depend upon this. It's the key event to dating pregnancy as well and should be something that......

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How to be a good IVF patient

                                           You can improve your success rate by becoming a good infertility patient. Here are some useful tips on how to become a model patient so you can wow our infertility doctor. A lot has been written about what makes......

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Ovulation induction

Anovulation (not ovulating) is one of the common reasons of infertility. This can be treated by inducing ovulation. What forms of treatments are available for inducing ovulation? The most commonly prescribed medicines for induction of ovulation include: Cl......

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Irregular periods/ Menstrual cycles

                                            There could be a number of reasons for irregular cycles, and for an infertile woman , having irregular periods is very stressful, because they cannot make sense of their reproductive cycle. An understanding of the bio......

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GIGO and infertility

                           Asking the right questions about infertility will save you valuable time and effort. Finding the 'why' will lead you faster to the 'how'. A Case  I recently saw an infertile patient who had over 3 thick files bulging with medic......

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