

Reasons for missed periods | Every infertile woman needs to know about missed periods

                                    Missing a period can be very difficult for infertile women ! Every time you miss a period, you hope ( against hope) that maybe you are finally pregnant! However, you are worried about getting your hopes up too high, because you are s......

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Masturbation, sperm counts and fertility

                                        Misconceptions are very prevalent about sensitive, personal and private topics such as sexuality. Masturbation is still an area about which myths abound. This is especially true in conservative societies, which will consi......

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Endometriosis : Symptoms, Diagnosis & Medication

Endometriosis , commonly called endo, is commonly found in infertile women, though the relationship between endometriosis and infertility is complex. We will look at what the symptoms of endometriosis are ; how doctors use endometriosis stages for describing its spread;......

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Bromocriptine - used for treating high prolactin levels in infertile women

This is a drug which is used specifically to treat women with hyperprolactinemia - a condition in women fail to ovulate because the pituitary is producing too much of the hormone called prolactin. Hyperprolactinemia is the cause of menstrual disturbance in about 10%......

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The Older Woman and Infertility

                                                                        Most infertility specialists define an older woman as one who is more than 35 years, but this is an arbitrary number. A woman's fertility does not fall off at a particular age, but starts declinin......

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Egg freezing by vitrification - stop your biological clock and preserve your fertility !

What is Egg Freezing? Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a process that allows women to preserve their eggs for future use. This can be a valuable option for women who want to delay childbearing but want to have the option of getting pregnant later......

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Vitrification is an exciting new technique which is used to cryopreserve (freeze) supernumerary eggs and embryos. Using ultrarapid (flash) freezing techniques, it's now possible to efficiently store spare eggs and embryos, so they can be used later on to achieve a pregn......

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Luteinized Unruptured Follicle syndrome - Diagnosis, treatment & cost | LUF Syndrome symptoms

                                                        In normal healthy fertile women, ovulation with rupture of the mature ovarian follicle and release of the eggs occurs within 38 hours of the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH). However, in a small percentage of wom......

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Adenomyosis and Infertility

      Also known as "Endometriosis of the uterus," adenomyosis ( adeno= glands; myo = muscle) is a benign condition which occurs when the glandular cells of the uterine lining ( the endometrium) penetrate deep into the uterine muscle (myometrium) and invade int......

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Testing your ovarian reserve

                                        How do we test your ovarian reserve? The standard test used to be a blood test to measure your FSH level. This correlates inversely with the number of eggs that you have left in your ovaries. Women with a poor ovarian re......

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