

Day 3 Inhibin Test to Determine Fertility

                                                                  This was an older test used to check ovarian reserve. The higher your Inhibin level, the better your ovarian reserve. Levels of Inhibin B decrease with age, as your ovarian reserve gets depl......

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Dr. Malpani-Testing for pregnancy after an embryo transfer in an IVF cycle

While all IVF patients understand with their heads that not every IVF cycle results in success, in their heart of hearts, every patient expects to get pregnant every time they do IVF ! This is why the 2ww after the embryo transfer can be so nerve-wracking ! Am I preg......

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Ovulation- what every infertile couples needs to know about her eggs

                                    To understand the biology of conception, it is useful to know the relationship between ovulation and menstruation. Read on to find out why regular ovulation is responsible for regular menstruation. About Egg Production Mos......

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Can premature ejaculation effect pregnancy ? | Overview of Premature ejaculation and infertility

                                While there's a lot of information available on erectile dysfunction (ED, aka impotence), what many people do not realize that the commonest male sexual problem actually lies at the opposite end of the spectrum. Premature ejaculation (P......

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Infertility Treatment Medication

                             You must be aware of what medicines you are taking and why. It's easy for doctors to prescribe medicines - but it's your responsibility to be well-informed about your medicines, so you know what to expect.Medicines used in infertili......

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Bleeding during IVF

                             One of the most difficult things IVF patients have to deal with is the fact that there are no external symptoms or signs of what's happening inside their bodies. Are the follicles growing well ? Is the uterine lining maturing properly ? Are......

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Antral follicle count

Two useful markers for ascertaining fertility are your ovarian reserve and AFC. The first refers to the number of eggs that are available for fertilization. AFC is the number of antral follicles present in the ovary on Day 3 using vaginal ultrasound scanning.......

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Male & Female Infertility laboratory tests - normal ranges and how to interpret them

Being infertile means you will be subjected to a series of tests. These tests help your doctor to determine what your medical problem is; and also to monitor your infertility treatment. The most important test for assessing male fertility is the semen analysis. Seme......

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Male Infertility : Preventing Male Infertility, Male Reproductive System

Information on Male Infertility : Male Infertility Cure Fatherhood has always been important in Indian society, but Male Infertility is surprisingly common . 1 in 6 couples is infertile , and in 50% of these, the problem is with Male Infertility . To put this in pers......

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Precautions to be taken after embryo transfer | What to do after the embryo transfer ?

Most patients are very excited when they reach the stage of embryo transfer. This is a major milestone in their IVF treatment, and the fact that they have made embryos provides them with a lot of hope that their chances of having a baby are high. After all, this prove......

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