

IVF cost in Mumbai with break-up of all costs ( clinical fees, blood tests, medication costs etc) | Malpani Infertility Clinic, Mumbai

Things That You Must Know Before Getting an IVF Treatment in MumbaiInfertility has become increasingly prevalent in Mumbai, India. With issues such as endometriosis and  PCOD/PCOS on the rise, the number of infertile couples all over the country has increased signific......

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Self-Insemination kit in Mumbai (DIY Insemination) | Guide and process

                                         Some infertility solutions do not require medical intervention. Self-Insemination is simple in practice and can be done at home with a partner or even by yourself. DIY (do-it-yourself) or self-insemination, is a method in which......

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IVF success rates and technology - new is not always better and old is often gold !

Like all IVF specialists, we want all our patients to get pregnant in the very first cycle itself . When patients get pregnant, they refer their friends and family members to you and this is the best source of referrals ! This is why we want to achieve a 100% p......

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Why do embryos fragment in the IVF lab ? What patients need to know about embryo grading

    Patients know that their chances of getting pregnant depend on the quality of their embryos, which is why they get excited when they have top quality blastocysts.   However, when their embryos start fragmenting, and are graded as being poor quality by the......

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The secret for getting pregnant by IVF is to be patient

Everyone knows that the cumulative IVF pregnancy rate increases with the number of IVF cycles you do . This is true in the bedroom as well ! Even if fertile healthy young couples had sex daily, only about 25% would get pregnant in the first month; about 40% after......

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Why all IVF patients need to learn Meditation

There is no doubt that IVF can be an extremely stressful experience , and all the suspense , waiting and uncertainty can drive you crazy , because you can never be sure whether the cycle is going to work or not. When the cycle fails, you dont know what you need to......

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Why is your IVF doctor hiding information from you ?

In an ideal world , every IVF doctor would treat the patient with respect , and make sure that they had realistic expectations of IVF treatment . At the time of the consultation, they would review the diagnosis with them , and prepare a treatment plan . They would e......

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How to check on your IVF doctor so you find the best IVF clinic for your treatment

IVF patients are intelligent enough to know that not all IVF clinics are created equal. If you want to be able to find the best IVF doctor for your treatment, they know they need to ask questions to check how competent the clinic is. These generic questions includ......

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Does stress reduce IVF success rates ? The truth about stress and infertility. Why we need to stop blaming the victim

Stress and infertility has become an extremely vexed issue , and many people start blaming infertile women for their inability to get pregnant by saying it's the mental stress which is preventing them from achieving a pregnancy . This is a very unkind form of victim......

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Why bed rest after embryo transfer reduces IVF pregnancy rates

As an IVF specialist , I feel one of my roles is to bust a lot of the myths which surround IVF treatment. After all, the word doctor is derived from the word docere - which means to teach. Its very disappointing how many IVF patients - as well as IVF doctors - con......

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