

How IVF patients can keep themselves safe from COVID-19

Now that the lockdown is gradually being lifted up and IVF clinics are starting to offer treatment, a lot of IVF patients are wondering whether it's safe for them to go for IVF treatment. There are two things you need to keep in mind. One is that your risk of g......

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Why do some doctors insist on doing a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy before an IVF treatment ?

Many IVF patients are advised to do a hysteroscopy and/or a laparoscopy before starting IVF treatment. Now, this makes a lot of sense for the doctor because they can charge for every surgical procedure - and the more the procedures they do, the more the money they......

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Good news for IVF patients !

      The lockdown was hard for all of us - specially for IVF patients !   In some clinics, many patients were forced to abandon their expensive treatment cycles half-way , while many others who were planning to start their treatment cycles in April and May f......

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Why immune testing for patients with repeated IVF failures and repeated miscarriages is a waste of time and money

Patients who have failed repeated IVF cycles even though apparently perfect embryos were transferred, are understandably upset, frustrated and distressed. They are looking for answers as to why they are not getting pregnant, and a plausible reason is that thei......

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The two major problems with TESA - testicular sperm aspiration

TESA is a simple technique by which doctors can extract sperm from the testes. Its partly because it's so simple, that it's often been abused, misused and overused. Thus, many doctors will do TESA unnecessarily , and extract sperm directly from the testes, even in......

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Why cheap IVF clinics are more likely to cheat you !

There seems to be a spurt of IVF clinics all over the country, and, you will often find one at every corner. Many doctors believe that IVF is a very profitable line of business and they want to join the bandwagon to make money. Unfortunately, patients arent able to......

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IVF Video : Advantages of the 21 days lockdown

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IVF Video : Miscarriages after IVF

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IVF Video : My IVF Cycle failed. What do i do next ?

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IVF Video : Free Email Consultation During this 21 days lockdown

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