

The Uterus : Myometrium & Endometrium

The Uterus is uniquely feminine, and because only women have a uterus, only women can have babies. The uterus can be diagnosed for fertility problems using advanced medical technologies. For most women, the uterus is simply the site of a lot of female problems. Not onl......

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Why are men so reluctant to get their sperm tested ?

                                   Most men are very reluctant to get their sperm tested for various reasons. It's scary, humiliating and casts doubts on their masculinity. Moreover, most men mistakenly believe that having a baby is exclusively a woman's responsibility......

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Social egg freezing for young professional women!

This is the best time in the world to be a woman ! Not only do women have many more career and professional opportunities than they had in the past, they also have a number of inherent biological advantages as compared to men, which allow them to shine. Not only is thei......

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Dr Malpani tells you what to do if your test results are abnormal during your infertility workup

                                  No reason to panic if your Infertility tests show abnormal. It's a good sign, because now you have located a probable cause to be remedied. There's always a lot of anxiety when you have to go a doctor - and this is especially true when......

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Why the HCG blood test is better than a home urine pregnancy test

                             Find out why the blood test for checking the beta HCG level is better than the Home Urine Pregnancy Test. Blood tests for checking the beta HCG level are better than home urine pregnancy tests for the following reasons. They are more acc......

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Providing a second opinion when an IVF cycle fails

As a senior IVF specialist , I'm often asked to give a second opinion on the IVF treatment which patients have taken another IVF clinic. This is a useful exercise for me , because it teaches me a lot. I can study the treatment protocols which other doctors use; and how......

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Why BBT charting is of no use for infertile couples

In the past, doctors felt the basal temperature chart was a useful tool. It allowed the patient to determine for herself if she is ovulating as well as the approximate date of ovulation, but only in retrospect. Basal body temperature charts are easy to obtain and the on......

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The importance of seeing photos of your IVF embryos !

Its extremely important that IVF clinics routinely document and provide photographs of the embryos they make to their patients. I often see patients who have failed IVF cycles elsewhere. These patients are confused , depressed and despondent because they are not sure......

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Why do you want a baby? Genes, Pregnancy and Parenting

The urge to procreate is extremely strong and as Sir Osler said, there are two primal desires for humans - to get and to beget ! Fertile couples find it easy to make a baby in their bedrooms. Most of us take our reproductive ability for granted , and expect to be able......

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Before you start your IVF cycle - Advise from an expert patient!

Experience counts, listen to this advise from an expert patient so that your IVF outcome is safe and positive. Starting IVF treatment can be quite scary. There are so many myths and misconceptions, and it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Will the hormones make y......

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