

Premature Ovarian Failure ( POF) and Infertility

                                             Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), also known as premature ovarian insufficiency, primary ovarian insufficiency , premature menopause and primary ovarian failure, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, is the loss of ovarian function......

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The value of a clomiphene citrate challenge test

                                                            Older women who wish to concieve have to figure out if they require IVF, and whether they need donor eggs. The Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test is very useful in these situations. Many older infertile women......

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Sperm DNA fragmentation assessment: Is it really helpful?

                                             DNA fragmentation is a new parameter for the evaluation of male factor in infertility. The tests used for the assessment of sperm DNA integrity can be of two types: direct and indirect. However, at present these tests just s......

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Secondary Infertility

                                                  For most people, infertility conjures up the image of a couple without a child. But what about the couple who has borne a child, and now wants to extend their family but find they are unable to do so? About Secondary......

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How to become a good IVF patient

Being an IVF specialist is very satisfying, and we enjoy helping couples to complete their family ! However, we do expect our patients to do their homework , and our ideal patients are intelligent people who understand what we are doing for them - both our abilities and......

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How to cope with the 2 ww

After the embryo transfer, it can be very hard to live through the two week wait. Patients are emotionally very vulnerable, because there is a lot of anxiety as to what the outcome is going to be. They are uncertain as to what they can do to increase the chances of succ......

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Why is IVF documentation so poor in India ?

I see lots of patients who have failed IVF cycles in other clinics . What breaks my heart is the poor quality of medical documentation they have with them . They are very poorly informed , and don't know the dose of injections used for super ovulation ; what the size......

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The Expert Patient's Guide to IVF - Why did my IVF cycle fail ?

This is an excerpt from our forthcoming, book, The Expert Patient's Guide to IVF. This being authored by our expert patient, Manju and me. The first question that arises in a patient's mind after an IVF failure is 'Why did my cycle fail ?' A failed IVF c......

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How to prepare yourself emotionally for an IVF cycle?

Emotional preparation for an IVF cycle is as important as preparing yourself physically. Our mental and physical health is intertwined and any adverse change in one can affect the other too. Actually an IVF cycle is much more emotionally draining when compared to the ph......

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Why should every couple going in for IVF also consider adoption?

I am an IVF specialist, and many infertile couples I see are worried, depressed and frustrated . They come to me because IVF is their last resort. All the other treatments they have tried have failed, and they are often at their wit's end. IVF is the treatment which off......

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