Why is IVF treatment so expensive ? And how can we make it more affordable ? I often see lots of infertile patients who could get pregnant if they did IVF treatment. Unfortunately , they just cannot......
When patients do an IVF cycle, the onlything really care about is the outcome – they just want a baby ! If life wereperfect , then every time the patient had a perfect IVF cycle , she would get pregnant . Unfortunately, human reproduction is not an efficient enterpris......
To help men with Azoospermia have a baby with their own sperm, testicular sperm is collected directly from the testes. This is called Testicular Sperm Extraction with ICSI (TESE-ICSI ). This is a guest post by Dr. Sai, Senior Embryologist at Malpani Infertility Clinic......
Whether a belief in God actually helps to improve IVF outcomes is highly debatable. While some studies claimed that praying helped to improve medical outcomes for some patients, there is no evidence that this will really do so. IVF- scien......
What is Chocolate Cysts? Diagnosis of Chocolate Cyst What is Chocolate Cysts? A chocolate cyst of the ovary ( also known as an endometrioma, endometrioid cyst, or endometrial cyst) is found in some infertile women who have endometriosis. In this disease, the inner......
When something bad happens in an IVF lab, we first need to a document the problem. It's important to identify what happened; and then to troubleshoot to try to figure out what went wrong and why.The IVF lab is the heart of the IVF clinic . This is where we nurture your......
One of the common reasons for infertility is sexual dysfunction. Sexual failure is often covered in secrecy and guilt, until the subject of children arises. There are many solutions, including self help kits. We are now seeing many pa......
IVF patients understand that their chances of success to a large extent depend on the competence f their doctor. This is why they go to great pains to do their homework, to try to find the best possible doctor for their treatment. This is extremely important, and it's g......
We can use "embryo surgery" called zona drilling or assisted hatching to "soften" the shell of the embryo . This helps to increase pregnancy rates by improving implantation rates, since embryo hatching is facilitated. It's a sad fact that IVF (In Vitro Fertilization......
IVF is Big Business IVF has become a big business today. How can you protect yourself from poorly equipped inexperienced doctors, who set up IVF clinics just to make money ? It can be very hard for patients to different......